+234 914 552 1104, +234 815 172 0023; info@htllinks.org
Healing and transforming generations, that are equipping and leading to God’s original plan.
We facilitate discovery to heal communities, disciple nations and equip transforming leaders, in redeeming creation
We seek, obey, teach and depend on the Bible as God’s word and authority in conformity with Christ’s instructions, even when doing so may not be comfortable to us, living and serving daily by the faith we derive from it
We pursue honesty, uprightness and trustworthiness in all we do, say and relate to, both as our individual and community wholesome practice, desiring to see this identity multiplying across the nations we serve
We serve as teams from a posture of humility and sacrificial generosity, having all things in common, with no individual or group attracting undue prominence, visibility, credit nor importance (choosing to lead by serving from shadows behind the scenes)
We practice life-long learning and apply our discoveries as reconciled with God’s word, seeking excellence in all we do, yet continually adapting and improving as we increase in our understanding and wisdom
God’s people, relationships and material resources in our care must be managed in transparent, responsible and credible ways and seen to be so as part of our stewardship commitment and lifestyle of oneness
Our service is better expressed through the contributions of network of teams, mutually enriching, equipping and encouraging, with no over-dependence on anyone – yet each diligently adding value in the process, as we serve others to succeed in their callings
Our fulfillment is from positive outcomes in the lives of those we serve, seeing them multiplying generations that are healed, discipled, transformed and leading with integrity, redeeming creation across all nations in sustainable ways